Ibn Katsir menulis di dalam kitabnya Bidayah wan Nahiyah beliau ialah Asma binti Umais bin Maadd bin Tamin al Khatsamiyyah adalah isteri Khalifah Abu Bakar ra yang sebelumnya diperisterikan oleh Jafar bin Abi Talib.


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Noah is the fourth prophet after Adam, Idris and Syith and ninth descendant of Prophet Adam. His father was Lamik Metusyalih bin Idris bin.

Noah preaching to his people

Prophet Idris AS

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Real name is Akhnuh. He was the seventh descendant of Prophet Adam. Nevertheless he became a prophet and second messenger after Prophet Adam. Prophet Idris community that have led the U.S. including Qobil descent. This nation at that time many of the damaged behavior, so that Allah Prophet Idris pointed to the U.S. as a Prophet and His Messenger. God also gave him a miracle of ingenuity in all fields. Among the miracles of the Prophet Idris was as follows:

Prophet Adam.

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After God swtmenciptakan earth with mountains, oceans and sea-grown - vegetation, created the heaven with its sun, moon and the stars that shine creates his angels spirits yangdiciptakan is a kind of worship to be an intermediary between the substance with the servants of the Almighty -servants, especially the apostles and prophets then came the will of Allah swt to create another kind of creature who will inhabit the earth and fill out enjoying keep-growing vegetation, which manages the wealth hidden in them and breed-hereditary heir inherits all the time that has been destined for him.

WHO Asma bint UMAIS

WHO Asma bint UMAIS
Ibn Kathir writes in his book Bidayah Nahiyah wan he was Asma bint Umais Maadd bin Tamin ibn al Khatsamiyyah was the wife of Caliph Abu Bakr ra previously diperisterikan by Jafar ibn Abi Talib.